Monday, October 5, 2009


BATIK is a craft that has high artistic value and has become part of the culture of Indonesia (especially Java) for a long time.

Batik originated from the Javanese 'amba', meaning to write and 'point'. The word refers to batik cloth with patterns generated by the materials 'night' (wax) is applied to the fabric. Indeed the point is the dominant design in batik.

Javanese women in the past made their skills in batik for a living, so in batik work is exclusively women's work.

Batik is also diidentikan by considering female beauty in the kingdom in Java on the beauty women also measured with the intelligence in making batik using canting.

Canting is one tool to write on batik cloth using wax. Until the discovery of 'batik cap' which allows the entry of men into the field. Actually batik in Indonesia has since dikanal Majapahit era and continue to develop the kingdom and the subsequent kings.

At the beginning of its development, roughly around the eighteenth century or early twentieth century was still a batik, printed batik own while newly introduced after the first world war or the year 1920. Initially, batik is done only limited in the palace and the results for the king and the family clothing and his followers.

In fact, batik motif can indicate the status of a person. Like the families of Yogyakarta and Surakarta palace, each wearing only a certain batik motif until now. The more widespread batik influenced by followers of the king who lived outside the palace that helped popularize batik outside the palace.

Over time this batik art imitated by the people nearest and further extends to the work of women in the household to fill his spare time. Batik which was only a family court dress became a popular folk clothing both men and women. At that time, the white cloth that is used when it is the result of his own weaving.

While coloring materials used consisted of growing native plants homemade Indonesia including mengkudu tree, tall, Soga, indigo, and flat materials made from soda ash and salt from the mud. Every motive is stated in the fabric has a philosophy about the meaning of life, events, to the life experiences of the characters or the family tradition.

Batik should not be vain and presumptuous to interpret and inspirations pour just above the fabric. Before translate handwriting in first manufacturer to do the little rituals like fasting and reading mantera.Hingga batik (batik shirt) after the make, maker also have to implement the closing ritual.

And batik actually contains historical value is very high. Parang Rusak batik motif instance, including batik motif is the only sacred in use at the palace. Similarly, the color motif batik parang court can determine the origin of the wearer, whether from the royal palace of the royal palace Solo or Yogyakarta.


Virus, mungkin mahluk itu yang paling dibenci ataupun ditakuti bagi orang yang sering berkutik dalam dunia komputer. Sering kali kita sudah cape - cape mengetik tugas atau sesuatu, eh semua hilang karena virus. Namun tidak lah semua virus itu menghapus file, sebagian ada jenis virus yang hanya menduplikasikan file dengan nama yang sama kemudian menghidden file yang asli sehingga yang tampak adalah virus tersebut. Sehingga kita mengira data milik kita telah hilang, namun sebenarnya file tersebut tidaklah hilang, file tersebut hanya terhidden / tersembunyi oleh virus. Berikut ada cara praktis untuk mengamankan file / data yang terhidden / tersembunyi oleh virus lewat command promt. Caranya yaitu : (Cara ini sering saya coba untuk mengamankan file dalam flashdisk, untuk file dalam hard disk bisa, namun saya jarang mencoba)
  1. Pastikan bersihkan dahulu flashdisk / drive komputer yang bersangkutan agar virus yang ada hilang.
  2. Jika semua virus yang ada telah hilang, mungkin sebagian file yang ada hilang terutama file yang berextension .doc (Microsoft Word)
  3. Masuklah ke command promt dengan cara klik Start > Run > Ketik cmd kemudian OK
  4. Masuklah ke flash disk ataupun drive yang akan di tuju, misalkan flashdisk ekstensi drivenya adalah G, maka pada command promt ketik G: lalu tekan Enter
  5. Kemudian dalam command promt akan tampak G:\>
  6. Ketik attrib -r -s -h /d /s
  7. Tunggu beberapa saat sampai tampil G:\> kembali
  8. Untuk mengecek hasilnya masuklah ke dalam flash disk / disk yang kita attrib tadi melalui windows explorer
  9. Jika berhasil maka file yang hilang tadi akan tampak kembali.
Selamat Mencoba.........


According to the most common one is to sleep and let your body rest tired after a hard day. But behind that, actually in our sleep can also learn. It means sleeping in nature we can solve problems that normally we can not solve the real world. As long as we sleep may be part of our body organs passive, but the mind / brain we still bekrja. Moreover, people who before going to bed still thinking about a problem or work normally in the world will sleep thinking that problems will arise, and usually appears too way out of an issue with it. That make it a habit to pray before bed.


Menurut sebagian orang umum tidur hanyalah untuk mengistirahatkan tubuh dan melepaskan lelah setelah seharian bekerja keras. Namun dibalik itu, sebenarnya dalam tidur kita juga bisa belajar. Maksudnya dalam alam tidur kita dapat memecahkan masalah yang biasanya tidak bisa kita pecahkan dalam dunia nyata. Selama kita tidur mungkin sebagian organ tubuh kita pasif, namun pikiran / otak kita tetap bekrja. Apalagi orang yang sebelum tidur masih memikirkan suatu masalah atau pekerjaan biasanya dalam dunia tidur pun pikiran akan masalah itu akan muncul, dan biasanya muncul pula jalan keluar dari maslah tersebut. Untuk itu biasakanlah berdoa sebelum tidur.


Padang, 5/10/2009 (Kominfo-Newsroom) - The number of victims have died from an earthquake measuring 7.6 on the Richter Scale in Padang, West Sumatra, re-grow again bringing the total as many as 608 people were recorded.

Based on the data Managing the Coordination Unit for Disaster Management (Satkorlak PB) and Evacuation West Sumatra, who received Kominfo-Newsroom in the Valley, Monday (5 / 10) 10:00 am, the victim died most were still in Padang Pariaman of 285 souls.

Meningga victims in Padang itself was recorded as many as 242 people, 32 people Pariaman city, 32 people Agam District, and South Coastal Kabutapen as many as 10 people, residents of West Pasaman 3 And 20 people Solok residents.

For those who are reported missing, Satkorlak overall record was 343 people with the highest number was in Padang Pariaman of 285 people.

Missing person's report also exists in Agam District, and 54 people in the city of Padang 4 people. A total of 596 residents suffered severe injuries were recorded and 897 people suffered minor injuries.

The earthquake also caused heavy damaged 81,863 houses, 349 houses were damaged and 69,189 houses were damaged lightly.

The earthquake occurred on Wednesday, September 30, 2009, at 17:16:10 pm. BMKG noted, epicenter of the earthquake occurred at 0.84 latitude and 99.65 BT with a depth of 71 km. (T.Ut / toeb)

Sunday, October 4, 2009

The Meaning of Fasting
Fasting in Arabic is called Shaumu. Shaum, the etymology is from the holding devinisi of everything, like holding sleep (staying up), stop talking, stop eating and so on. As for the meaning Termenologi Shaum refrain from any sesuaatu who opened, one long day from dawn until sunset with the intention and some conditions that will Inshallah we discuss later.

Categories fasting

Fasting or shaum divided to 4 types:

1. mandatory fasting, the fasting month of Ramadan, fasting and fasting kifarat vows.

2. fasting circumcision, such as fasting six days in Shawwal, fasting the day of `Arafah and others.

3. Fasting makruh, such as fasting continuously throughout the period in addition to the two-day holiday and tasyriq.

4. fasting haraam, such as fasting continuously throughout the period including the two-day holiday and tasyriq.

Fasting month of Ramadan is one of the five pillars of Islam, be required (obligatory a'in) to every person who Mukhalaf (has reached the age and not crazy). Ramadhan fasting month is required in the second year Hijri, which is the second year after the Prophet Muhammad moved to Medina Al Mukarramah.

Prophet himself had done nine times During the fasting month of Ramadan.

Fasting Ramadan himself obliged to each mukhallaf (mukhallaf individuals) with one of the following provisions:

1. by looking at the moon, for those who see themselves
2. to replenish the month Sha'ban thirty days, according to the hadith of the Prophet:

"Fast when you see it (the month of Ramadan) and eat you when he saw him (in syawal), then if there is a block (such as mendung.Red) so that the moon does not seem let you fulfill the month Sha'ban thirty days". (Narrated by Bukhari).

1. With the Rukyah (view) months by someone who is just and the unjust people judge mempersaksikannya advance.
2. With mutawatir news, the news people, so it was impossible they will be able to agree to lie on the news.
3. Believe in the people who see
4. With science being brought to account or heard from experts Hisab.



The purpose for fasting is abstinence from all lust, so he was ready to find something to peak his happiness; accept something purified, where there is eternal life, lust hostilities broke against hunger and thirst, and reminded the state of people who suffer hunger among poor people; narrow streets themselves servants of Satan on narrow streets with the flow of food and beverages; fasting is for the Lord of hosts, unlike the practices of others, it means leaving everything you loved for the love of Allah Ta 'ala ; he is a secret between the servant of the Lord, because the servant may be known that he left the O-fasting thing is real, but he left the presence of these things for worship, then of human nobody knows, and that's the essence of fasting.


Fasting has several benefits, in terms of psychological, social and health, including:

* Some benefits, fasting is the fast mentally get used patience, a willingness to strengthen, teach and help how to control yourself, and create and establish a strong faith in yourself, which is the wisdom of fasting is the most important.

Word of Allah Ta 'ala:

"O ye who believe, fasting obligatory upon you as required for those before you, that you are devoted." (Al-Baqarah: 183)

Important Note:

On this occasion, we reminded the Muslim brother who liked to smoke. Indeed the fast way they can give up smoking they themselves believed about the danger to the soul, body, religion and society, including the type of tobacco is forbidden to harm the texts-Qur'an Al Karim. Whoever leaves something for the sake of Allah, Allah will replace it with a more balk. They should not fast (refrain) from something unclean, then break with something haraam, we beg forgiveness of God for us and for them.

* Includes social benefit of fasting is to familiarize people apply discipline, unity, love of justice and equality, also gave birth to feelings of self-love in believers and encourage them to do good.

As he was also keeping people from evil and destruction.

* While the benefits of fasting in terms of health is to clean the intestines, colon, improve digestion work, clean the body from the remains and sediment food, reduce obesity and excess fat in the abdomen.

* Includes benefits of fasting is to break lust. Because excessive, balk in eating and drinking, and mix the wife, could encourage the desire to do evil, reluctantly grateful and cause inadvertence.

* Among the benefits are also clear heart just to think and dhikr. Conversely, if the various passions lust is followed then it can be hardened and blinded hearts, heart block next to dhikr and thinking, enabling him off guard. Unlike the case if the stomach is empty of food and beverages, will cause the hearts glowing and soft, hardness of heart vanished, to then be used solely for dhikr and thinking.

* The rich get to know how the favor of Allah on him. God's delicious mengaruniainya infinity, at the same time many poor people who do not get the leftovers, drink nor married. By thwarting him from enjoying these things at certain moments, and the sense of weight that he faced it. Things that would remind the people who did not enjoy it. This will require ingratitude towards God for himself in the form of all-sufficiency, also will make compassionate to his brother in need, and encouraged him to help them.

* Includes benefits of fasting is to narrow the blood flow path that is the way the devil in children of Adam. Because the devil went to the children of Adam through the blood stream. By fasting, then he's safe from Satan, the power of lust lust and anger. Hence the Prophet alaihi wasallam made the fasting as a fortress to prevent lust lust marriage, so he ordered those who have not been able to marry with fasting (See Larhaa'iful Ma'aarif book, by Ibn Rajab, pp. 163) as in the hadith narrated by Al-Bukhari and Muslim)


Latin name is Tamarindus Indica L. despite the high tree, leaves the finned that even small. Acid or acid tree of Java is often planted on the edge of the road in the lowlands. Delicious tamarind pulp. Brown fruit skin, flesh is white when young and after dark greenish to brown. The fruit flesh can be used to preserve food, make the syrup, even to clean metal objects that changed color black.

Pulp elderly are sometimes treated to last long. Because the color becomes blackish sometimes called kawak acid.

Acid derived from Javanese family: Caesalpiniaceae

Ingredients and benefits: pulp contains a variety of acids (tatrat acid, malate acid, citric acid, acid suknisat, asenat acid) that facilitate large water fruit. Also bias circulation and cooling. While efficacious leaves smooth bowel movements and relieve pain, because it contains flavonoids, also anti-inflammatory. He also helped out in sweat.


1. To cure ulcers:

Kawak acid (acid pulp ripe Java that has been processed and it is black rather than brown) for quail eggs soaked in 1 cup of water that expands, 5 slices of ginger are washed before sliced palm sugar for the sweetener. All that water boil to half. Taken 1x a day until healed.

For embedded: Acid kawak for quail eggs, a little salt and a little oil mixed and pulverized. Attach to a boil.

2. To treat acne:

Sambiloto 12 leaves, 10 slices of ginger, kencur 5 cm, 1 teaspoon of fennel (Foeniculum vulgare mill or fennel or venkel), 10 leaves cumin, all washed. Sour mash with quail eggs kawak registration. Give 1 ½ cup water, strained and pressed pulp with a cloth. Drinking 3x a day.

For exterior drug: Java acids were given clean water, knead, filtered and the water used to wash her face when going to sleep tonight.

3. To cure ulcers:

1 cup young tamarind leaves, 5 cm piece turmeric, all washed, sliced turmeric. Simmer with 4 cups of water until the water a half. So it felt good to be added during boiling palm sugar, then filtered, drinking in the morning and sore.Ulangi until a few days.

4. To treat measles:

1 cup sour leaves, fresh turmeric rhizome 3 is washed, sliced, a little salt and palm sugar. All boiled with 2 cups of water until the water a half. Drunk in the morning and afternoon.

5. To cure ulcers:

Tamarind seeds are washed, peeled, crushed, stick to the ulcer.

You can, if you think you can, as long as reasonable to say can. Limitation of whether something makes sense or not, we'll see other people, if someone else has done or has reached his dream, the dream is reasonable.
Dreams not only help us to face the possibility of failure ..... but the dream will also give us hope ....
Among the thousands of opportunities and opportunities, there is success, but surrounded by failure. Take a chance and opportunity, let you fail in the process of finding success.

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