Sunday, October 4, 2009


Latin name is Tamarindus Indica L. despite the high tree, leaves the finned that even small. Acid or acid tree of Java is often planted on the edge of the road in the lowlands. Delicious tamarind pulp. Brown fruit skin, flesh is white when young and after dark greenish to brown. The fruit flesh can be used to preserve food, make the syrup, even to clean metal objects that changed color black.

Pulp elderly are sometimes treated to last long. Because the color becomes blackish sometimes called kawak acid.

Acid derived from Javanese family: Caesalpiniaceae

Ingredients and benefits: pulp contains a variety of acids (tatrat acid, malate acid, citric acid, acid suknisat, asenat acid) that facilitate large water fruit. Also bias circulation and cooling. While efficacious leaves smooth bowel movements and relieve pain, because it contains flavonoids, also anti-inflammatory. He also helped out in sweat.


1. To cure ulcers:

Kawak acid (acid pulp ripe Java that has been processed and it is black rather than brown) for quail eggs soaked in 1 cup of water that expands, 5 slices of ginger are washed before sliced palm sugar for the sweetener. All that water boil to half. Taken 1x a day until healed.

For embedded: Acid kawak for quail eggs, a little salt and a little oil mixed and pulverized. Attach to a boil.

2. To treat acne:

Sambiloto 12 leaves, 10 slices of ginger, kencur 5 cm, 1 teaspoon of fennel (Foeniculum vulgare mill or fennel or venkel), 10 leaves cumin, all washed. Sour mash with quail eggs kawak registration. Give 1 ½ cup water, strained and pressed pulp with a cloth. Drinking 3x a day.

For exterior drug: Java acids were given clean water, knead, filtered and the water used to wash her face when going to sleep tonight.

3. To cure ulcers:

1 cup young tamarind leaves, 5 cm piece turmeric, all washed, sliced turmeric. Simmer with 4 cups of water until the water a half. So it felt good to be added during boiling palm sugar, then filtered, drinking in the morning and sore.Ulangi until a few days.

4. To treat measles:

1 cup sour leaves, fresh turmeric rhizome 3 is washed, sliced, a little salt and palm sugar. All boiled with 2 cups of water until the water a half. Drunk in the morning and afternoon.

5. To cure ulcers:

Tamarind seeds are washed, peeled, crushed, stick to the ulcer.


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You can, if you think you can, as long as reasonable to say can. Limitation of whether something makes sense or not, we'll see other people, if someone else has done or has reached his dream, the dream is reasonable.
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