The Meaning of Fasting
Fasting in Arabic is called Shaumu. Shaum, the etymology is from the holding devinisi of everything, like holding sleep (staying up), stop talking, stop eating and so on. As for the meaning Termenologi Shaum refrain from any sesuaatu who opened, one long day from dawn until sunset with the intention and some conditions that will Inshallah we discuss later.
Categories fasting
Fasting or shaum divided to 4 types:
1. mandatory fasting, the fasting month of Ramadan, fasting and fasting kifarat vows.
2. fasting circumcision, such as fasting six days in Shawwal, fasting the day of `Arafah and others.
3. Fasting makruh, such as fasting continuously throughout the period in addition to the two-day holiday and tasyriq.
4. fasting haraam, such as fasting continuously throughout the period including the two-day holiday and tasyriq.
Fasting month of Ramadan is one of the five pillars of Islam, be required (obligatory a'in) to every person who Mukhalaf (has reached the age and not crazy). Ramadhan fasting month is required in the second year Hijri, which is the second year after the Prophet Muhammad moved to Medina Al Mukarramah.
Prophet himself had done nine times During the fasting month of Ramadan.
Fasting Ramadan himself obliged to each mukhallaf (mukhallaf individuals) with one of the following provisions:
1. by looking at the moon, for those who see themselves
2. to replenish the month Sha'ban thirty days, according to the hadith of the Prophet:
"Fast when you see it (the month of Ramadan) and eat you when he saw him (in syawal), then if there is a block (such as mendung.Red) so that the moon does not seem let you fulfill the month Sha'ban thirty days". (Narrated by Bukhari).
1. With the Rukyah (view) months by someone who is just and the unjust people judge mempersaksikannya advance.
2. With mutawatir news, the news people, so it was impossible they will be able to agree to lie on the news.
3. Believe in the people who see
4. With science being brought to account or heard from experts Hisab.
The purpose for fasting is abstinence from all lust, so he was ready to find something to peak his happiness; accept something purified, where there is eternal life, lust hostilities broke against hunger and thirst, and reminded the state of people who suffer hunger among poor people; narrow streets themselves servants of Satan on narrow streets with the flow of food and beverages; fasting is for the Lord of hosts, unlike the practices of others, it means leaving everything you loved for the love of Allah Ta 'ala ; he is a secret between the servant of the Lord, because the servant may be known that he left the O-fasting thing is real, but he left the presence of these things for worship, then of human nobody knows, and that's the essence of fasting.
Fasting has several benefits, in terms of psychological, social and health, including:
* Some benefits, fasting is the fast mentally get used patience, a willingness to strengthen, teach and help how to control yourself, and create and establish a strong faith in yourself, which is the wisdom of fasting is the most important.
Word of Allah Ta 'ala:
"O ye who believe, fasting obligatory upon you as required for those before you, that you are devoted." (Al-Baqarah: 183)
Important Note:
On this occasion, we reminded the Muslim brother who liked to smoke. Indeed the fast way they can give up smoking they themselves believed about the danger to the soul, body, religion and society, including the type of tobacco is forbidden to harm the texts-Qur'an Al Karim. Whoever leaves something for the sake of Allah, Allah will replace it with a more balk. They should not fast (refrain) from something unclean, then break with something haraam, we beg forgiveness of God for us and for them.
* Includes social benefit of fasting is to familiarize people apply discipline, unity, love of justice and equality, also gave birth to feelings of self-love in believers and encourage them to do good.
As he was also keeping people from evil and destruction.
* While the benefits of fasting in terms of health is to clean the intestines, colon, improve digestion work, clean the body from the remains and sediment food, reduce obesity and excess fat in the abdomen.
* Includes benefits of fasting is to break lust. Because excessive, balk in eating and drinking, and mix the wife, could encourage the desire to do evil, reluctantly grateful and cause inadvertence.
* Among the benefits are also clear heart just to think and dhikr. Conversely, if the various passions lust is followed then it can be hardened and blinded hearts, heart block next to dhikr and thinking, enabling him off guard. Unlike the case if the stomach is empty of food and beverages, will cause the hearts glowing and soft, hardness of heart vanished, to then be used solely for dhikr and thinking.
* The rich get to know how the favor of Allah on him. God's delicious mengaruniainya infinity, at the same time many poor people who do not get the leftovers, drink nor married. By thwarting him from enjoying these things at certain moments, and the sense of weight that he faced it. Things that would remind the people who did not enjoy it. This will require ingratitude towards God for himself in the form of all-sufficiency, also will make compassionate to his brother in need, and encouraged him to help them.
* Includes benefits of fasting is to narrow the blood flow path that is the way the devil in children of Adam. Because the devil went to the children of Adam through the blood stream. By fasting, then he's safe from Satan, the power of lust lust and anger. Hence the Prophet alaihi wasallam made the fasting as a fortress to prevent lust lust marriage, so he ordered those who have not been able to marry with fasting (See Larhaa'iful Ma'aarif book, by Ibn Rajab, pp. 163) as in the hadith narrated by Al-Bukhari and Muslim)