Monday, October 5, 2009


BATIK is a craft that has high artistic value and has become part of the culture of Indonesia (especially Java) for a long time.

Batik originated from the Javanese 'amba', meaning to write and 'point'. The word refers to batik cloth with patterns generated by the materials 'night' (wax) is applied to the fabric. Indeed the point is the dominant design in batik.

Javanese women in the past made their skills in batik for a living, so in batik work is exclusively women's work.

Batik is also diidentikan by considering female beauty in the kingdom in Java on the beauty women also measured with the intelligence in making batik using canting.

Canting is one tool to write on batik cloth using wax. Until the discovery of 'batik cap' which allows the entry of men into the field. Actually batik in Indonesia has since dikanal Majapahit era and continue to develop the kingdom and the subsequent kings.

At the beginning of its development, roughly around the eighteenth century or early twentieth century was still a batik, printed batik own while newly introduced after the first world war or the year 1920. Initially, batik is done only limited in the palace and the results for the king and the family clothing and his followers.

In fact, batik motif can indicate the status of a person. Like the families of Yogyakarta and Surakarta palace, each wearing only a certain batik motif until now. The more widespread batik influenced by followers of the king who lived outside the palace that helped popularize batik outside the palace.

Over time this batik art imitated by the people nearest and further extends to the work of women in the household to fill his spare time. Batik which was only a family court dress became a popular folk clothing both men and women. At that time, the white cloth that is used when it is the result of his own weaving.

While coloring materials used consisted of growing native plants homemade Indonesia including mengkudu tree, tall, Soga, indigo, and flat materials made from soda ash and salt from the mud. Every motive is stated in the fabric has a philosophy about the meaning of life, events, to the life experiences of the characters or the family tradition.

Batik should not be vain and presumptuous to interpret and inspirations pour just above the fabric. Before translate handwriting in first manufacturer to do the little rituals like fasting and reading mantera.Hingga batik (batik shirt) after the make, maker also have to implement the closing ritual.

And batik actually contains historical value is very high. Parang Rusak batik motif instance, including batik motif is the only sacred in use at the palace. Similarly, the color motif batik parang court can determine the origin of the wearer, whether from the royal palace of the royal palace Solo or Yogyakarta.


Virus, mungkin mahluk itu yang paling dibenci ataupun ditakuti bagi orang yang sering berkutik dalam dunia komputer. Sering kali kita sudah cape - cape mengetik tugas atau sesuatu, eh semua hilang karena virus. Namun tidak lah semua virus itu menghapus file, sebagian ada jenis virus yang hanya menduplikasikan file dengan nama yang sama kemudian menghidden file yang asli sehingga yang tampak adalah virus tersebut. Sehingga kita mengira data milik kita telah hilang, namun sebenarnya file tersebut tidaklah hilang, file tersebut hanya terhidden / tersembunyi oleh virus. Berikut ada cara praktis untuk mengamankan file / data yang terhidden / tersembunyi oleh virus lewat command promt. Caranya yaitu : (Cara ini sering saya coba untuk mengamankan file dalam flashdisk, untuk file dalam hard disk bisa, namun saya jarang mencoba)
  1. Pastikan bersihkan dahulu flashdisk / drive komputer yang bersangkutan agar virus yang ada hilang.
  2. Jika semua virus yang ada telah hilang, mungkin sebagian file yang ada hilang terutama file yang berextension .doc (Microsoft Word)
  3. Masuklah ke command promt dengan cara klik Start > Run > Ketik cmd kemudian OK
  4. Masuklah ke flash disk ataupun drive yang akan di tuju, misalkan flashdisk ekstensi drivenya adalah G, maka pada command promt ketik G: lalu tekan Enter
  5. Kemudian dalam command promt akan tampak G:\>
  6. Ketik attrib -r -s -h /d /s
  7. Tunggu beberapa saat sampai tampil G:\> kembali
  8. Untuk mengecek hasilnya masuklah ke dalam flash disk / disk yang kita attrib tadi melalui windows explorer
  9. Jika berhasil maka file yang hilang tadi akan tampak kembali.
Selamat Mencoba.........


According to the most common one is to sleep and let your body rest tired after a hard day. But behind that, actually in our sleep can also learn. It means sleeping in nature we can solve problems that normally we can not solve the real world. As long as we sleep may be part of our body organs passive, but the mind / brain we still bekrja. Moreover, people who before going to bed still thinking about a problem or work normally in the world will sleep thinking that problems will arise, and usually appears too way out of an issue with it. That make it a habit to pray before bed.


Menurut sebagian orang umum tidur hanyalah untuk mengistirahatkan tubuh dan melepaskan lelah setelah seharian bekerja keras. Namun dibalik itu, sebenarnya dalam tidur kita juga bisa belajar. Maksudnya dalam alam tidur kita dapat memecahkan masalah yang biasanya tidak bisa kita pecahkan dalam dunia nyata. Selama kita tidur mungkin sebagian organ tubuh kita pasif, namun pikiran / otak kita tetap bekrja. Apalagi orang yang sebelum tidur masih memikirkan suatu masalah atau pekerjaan biasanya dalam dunia tidur pun pikiran akan masalah itu akan muncul, dan biasanya muncul pula jalan keluar dari maslah tersebut. Untuk itu biasakanlah berdoa sebelum tidur.


Padang, 5/10/2009 (Kominfo-Newsroom) - The number of victims have died from an earthquake measuring 7.6 on the Richter Scale in Padang, West Sumatra, re-grow again bringing the total as many as 608 people were recorded.

Based on the data Managing the Coordination Unit for Disaster Management (Satkorlak PB) and Evacuation West Sumatra, who received Kominfo-Newsroom in the Valley, Monday (5 / 10) 10:00 am, the victim died most were still in Padang Pariaman of 285 souls.

Meningga victims in Padang itself was recorded as many as 242 people, 32 people Pariaman city, 32 people Agam District, and South Coastal Kabutapen as many as 10 people, residents of West Pasaman 3 And 20 people Solok residents.

For those who are reported missing, Satkorlak overall record was 343 people with the highest number was in Padang Pariaman of 285 people.

Missing person's report also exists in Agam District, and 54 people in the city of Padang 4 people. A total of 596 residents suffered severe injuries were recorded and 897 people suffered minor injuries.

The earthquake also caused heavy damaged 81,863 houses, 349 houses were damaged and 69,189 houses were damaged lightly.

The earthquake occurred on Wednesday, September 30, 2009, at 17:16:10 pm. BMKG noted, epicenter of the earthquake occurred at 0.84 latitude and 99.65 BT with a depth of 71 km. (T.Ut / toeb)

Sunday, October 4, 2009

The Meaning of Fasting
Fasting in Arabic is called Shaumu. Shaum, the etymology is from the holding devinisi of everything, like holding sleep (staying up), stop talking, stop eating and so on. As for the meaning Termenologi Shaum refrain from any sesuaatu who opened, one long day from dawn until sunset with the intention and some conditions that will Inshallah we discuss later.

Categories fasting

Fasting or shaum divided to 4 types:

1. mandatory fasting, the fasting month of Ramadan, fasting and fasting kifarat vows.

2. fasting circumcision, such as fasting six days in Shawwal, fasting the day of `Arafah and others.

3. Fasting makruh, such as fasting continuously throughout the period in addition to the two-day holiday and tasyriq.

4. fasting haraam, such as fasting continuously throughout the period including the two-day holiday and tasyriq.

Fasting month of Ramadan is one of the five pillars of Islam, be required (obligatory a'in) to every person who Mukhalaf (has reached the age and not crazy). Ramadhan fasting month is required in the second year Hijri, which is the second year after the Prophet Muhammad moved to Medina Al Mukarramah.

Prophet himself had done nine times During the fasting month of Ramadan.

Fasting Ramadan himself obliged to each mukhallaf (mukhallaf individuals) with one of the following provisions:

1. by looking at the moon, for those who see themselves
2. to replenish the month Sha'ban thirty days, according to the hadith of the Prophet:

"Fast when you see it (the month of Ramadan) and eat you when he saw him (in syawal), then if there is a block (such as mendung.Red) so that the moon does not seem let you fulfill the month Sha'ban thirty days". (Narrated by Bukhari).

1. With the Rukyah (view) months by someone who is just and the unjust people judge mempersaksikannya advance.
2. With mutawatir news, the news people, so it was impossible they will be able to agree to lie on the news.
3. Believe in the people who see
4. With science being brought to account or heard from experts Hisab.



The purpose for fasting is abstinence from all lust, so he was ready to find something to peak his happiness; accept something purified, where there is eternal life, lust hostilities broke against hunger and thirst, and reminded the state of people who suffer hunger among poor people; narrow streets themselves servants of Satan on narrow streets with the flow of food and beverages; fasting is for the Lord of hosts, unlike the practices of others, it means leaving everything you loved for the love of Allah Ta 'ala ; he is a secret between the servant of the Lord, because the servant may be known that he left the O-fasting thing is real, but he left the presence of these things for worship, then of human nobody knows, and that's the essence of fasting.


Fasting has several benefits, in terms of psychological, social and health, including:

* Some benefits, fasting is the fast mentally get used patience, a willingness to strengthen, teach and help how to control yourself, and create and establish a strong faith in yourself, which is the wisdom of fasting is the most important.

Word of Allah Ta 'ala:

"O ye who believe, fasting obligatory upon you as required for those before you, that you are devoted." (Al-Baqarah: 183)

Important Note:

On this occasion, we reminded the Muslim brother who liked to smoke. Indeed the fast way they can give up smoking they themselves believed about the danger to the soul, body, religion and society, including the type of tobacco is forbidden to harm the texts-Qur'an Al Karim. Whoever leaves something for the sake of Allah, Allah will replace it with a more balk. They should not fast (refrain) from something unclean, then break with something haraam, we beg forgiveness of God for us and for them.

* Includes social benefit of fasting is to familiarize people apply discipline, unity, love of justice and equality, also gave birth to feelings of self-love in believers and encourage them to do good.

As he was also keeping people from evil and destruction.

* While the benefits of fasting in terms of health is to clean the intestines, colon, improve digestion work, clean the body from the remains and sediment food, reduce obesity and excess fat in the abdomen.

* Includes benefits of fasting is to break lust. Because excessive, balk in eating and drinking, and mix the wife, could encourage the desire to do evil, reluctantly grateful and cause inadvertence.

* Among the benefits are also clear heart just to think and dhikr. Conversely, if the various passions lust is followed then it can be hardened and blinded hearts, heart block next to dhikr and thinking, enabling him off guard. Unlike the case if the stomach is empty of food and beverages, will cause the hearts glowing and soft, hardness of heart vanished, to then be used solely for dhikr and thinking.

* The rich get to know how the favor of Allah on him. God's delicious mengaruniainya infinity, at the same time many poor people who do not get the leftovers, drink nor married. By thwarting him from enjoying these things at certain moments, and the sense of weight that he faced it. Things that would remind the people who did not enjoy it. This will require ingratitude towards God for himself in the form of all-sufficiency, also will make compassionate to his brother in need, and encouraged him to help them.

* Includes benefits of fasting is to narrow the blood flow path that is the way the devil in children of Adam. Because the devil went to the children of Adam through the blood stream. By fasting, then he's safe from Satan, the power of lust lust and anger. Hence the Prophet alaihi wasallam made the fasting as a fortress to prevent lust lust marriage, so he ordered those who have not been able to marry with fasting (See Larhaa'iful Ma'aarif book, by Ibn Rajab, pp. 163) as in the hadith narrated by Al-Bukhari and Muslim)


Latin name is Tamarindus Indica L. despite the high tree, leaves the finned that even small. Acid or acid tree of Java is often planted on the edge of the road in the lowlands. Delicious tamarind pulp. Brown fruit skin, flesh is white when young and after dark greenish to brown. The fruit flesh can be used to preserve food, make the syrup, even to clean metal objects that changed color black.

Pulp elderly are sometimes treated to last long. Because the color becomes blackish sometimes called kawak acid.

Acid derived from Javanese family: Caesalpiniaceae

Ingredients and benefits: pulp contains a variety of acids (tatrat acid, malate acid, citric acid, acid suknisat, asenat acid) that facilitate large water fruit. Also bias circulation and cooling. While efficacious leaves smooth bowel movements and relieve pain, because it contains flavonoids, also anti-inflammatory. He also helped out in sweat.


1. To cure ulcers:

Kawak acid (acid pulp ripe Java that has been processed and it is black rather than brown) for quail eggs soaked in 1 cup of water that expands, 5 slices of ginger are washed before sliced palm sugar for the sweetener. All that water boil to half. Taken 1x a day until healed.

For embedded: Acid kawak for quail eggs, a little salt and a little oil mixed and pulverized. Attach to a boil.

2. To treat acne:

Sambiloto 12 leaves, 10 slices of ginger, kencur 5 cm, 1 teaspoon of fennel (Foeniculum vulgare mill or fennel or venkel), 10 leaves cumin, all washed. Sour mash with quail eggs kawak registration. Give 1 ½ cup water, strained and pressed pulp with a cloth. Drinking 3x a day.

For exterior drug: Java acids were given clean water, knead, filtered and the water used to wash her face when going to sleep tonight.

3. To cure ulcers:

1 cup young tamarind leaves, 5 cm piece turmeric, all washed, sliced turmeric. Simmer with 4 cups of water until the water a half. So it felt good to be added during boiling palm sugar, then filtered, drinking in the morning and sore.Ulangi until a few days.

4. To treat measles:

1 cup sour leaves, fresh turmeric rhizome 3 is washed, sliced, a little salt and palm sugar. All boiled with 2 cups of water until the water a half. Drunk in the morning and afternoon.

5. To cure ulcers:

Tamarind seeds are washed, peeled, crushed, stick to the ulcer.


Galangal (Alpinia galangal or galanga galanga) is often used by women known as food seasoning. Galangal including high upright plant stems reach 2-2,5 meters. Galangal can live in the lowlands to highlands, approximately 1200 meters above sea level. There are 2 kinds of plants known as galangal is a rhizome varieties tubers (roots) in white and red bulbs vaaritas berimpang. Galangal berimpang white bulbs used this food flavorings, are red bulbs berimpang galangal used as medicines. Galangal has a tree structure consisting of stem-leaf midrib. Leaves elliptical, and the leaves are at the bottom of stem of stem-only, while the upper stem of stem-leaf stem with leaves. The flowers appear at the end of the plant. Galangal rhizome tuber than crude fiber also has a distinctive aroma. A. Growing Conditions Climate 1. Elevation: 1 - 1200 m above sea level 2. Annual rainfall: 2500 - 4000 mm / year 3. Wet months (above 100 mm / month): 7 - 9 months 4. Dry months (below 60 mm / month): 3 - 5 months 5. Temperatures: 29 'C - 25' C. 6. Humidity: was 7. Radiation: high b. Land 1. Type: latosol red-brown, andosol, alluvial. 2. Texture: berliat loam, sandy clay, red clay, lateristik. 3. Drainage: well 4. Ground water depth: 50 - 100 cm from the ground 5. Rooting depth: 10 - 30 cm from the ground 6. Fertility: moderate - high

Local Name:
Greater galingale (UK), galangal (Indonesia); Laos (Java), Laja (Sunda);

Curable Disease:
Rheumatism, spleen pain, sexual desire, appetite, bronchitis; Morbili, Panu;

1. Rheumatic
a. Ingredients: 2 galangal rhizome of thumb and 1 egg chicken
How to make: galangal grated and squeezed to take water,
raw chicken eggs broken to take yellow,
then the material until evenly dioplos.
How to use: 1 times daily drink

b. Ingredients: 3 galangal rhizome of thumb, 0.5 teaspoon ground
pepper, 1 slice of brown sugar, and 2 cups coconut water
How to make: all of these ingredients boiled together
up to 1 cup water to stay
How to use: drink little by little over 1 week

2. Spleen pain
Ingredients: 2 galangal rhizome of thumb, 3 rhizome tuber
thumb of ginger and 1 handful of leaves Meniran
How to make: all of these ingredients with 3 cups boiling water
to boiling
How to use: 2 times a day drink 1 cup, morning and afternoon.

3. Instilling Passion Sex
Ingredients: 2 bulbs galangal rhizome of thumb, 3 rhizome tuber
thumb of ginger and 2 pieces of lime, 1 teaspoon pepper,
1 teaspoon salt and 1 yeast tape.
Method: galangal and ginger root grated and squeezed to
water is taken, then dioplos with materials other
with 0.5 cups of water until thoroughly cooked.
How to use: drunk.

4. Generating Appetite
a. Ingredients: 1 galangal rhizome of thumb, 3 fruit mengkudu
raw, rhizome 0.5 kencur registration thumb, 0.5 teaspoon
ground coriander, 1 clove garlic, tamarind 3 eyes Javanese
the cook, 1 slice of brown sugar, jakeling, jalawe and jarahab.
How to make: all of these ingredients with 2 cups boiling water
not boil down to 1 cup
How to use: drink 2 glasses of 0.5 times a day, morning and afternoon.

b. Ingredients: 1 galangal rhizome tuber of thumb, 1 rhizome
thumb of ginger, 1 Meniran plant trees and little
fennel pulawaras.
How to make: all of these ingredients with 3 cups boiling water
to boiling
How to use: drink 3 times a day

5. Bronchitis
Material: galangal rhizome tuber, ginger and ginger (each
2 rimoang) for the thumb, keningar, 1 handful of leaves, a horse whip,
Slobber 0.5 handheld leaf, cinnamon leaf to taste.
How to make: all the material smooth then pounded
boiled with 3 cups water to boiling
How to use: drink 2 times a day, morning and afternoon.

6. Morbili
Ingredients: 4 galangal rhizome tuber of thumb, 1 teaspoon
eucalyptus oil, and 2 teaspoons oil gondopura.
Method: finely grated galangal root, then mixed
with the other ingredients until smooth.
How to use: used for external medication.

7. Panu
a. Material: galangal rhizome and tubers sufficiently whiting
How to make: the ingredients are pounded until smooth
Way using: rubbed on the affected part, morning and

b. Material: galangal rhizome and spirtus
Method: galangal rhizome cut.
How to use: the affected part is rubbed with a brush
galangal slices, then smeared with spirtus

Chemical compounds contained in such Lenguas galanga contain essential oils, the oil fly, eugenol, seskuiterpen, pinen, methyl sinamat, kaemferida, dock, galangol and yellow crystals.



One tablespoon of honey has been known to help relieve cough and children at night helps them sleep better, as published in the Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine, December 2007 edition.

Honey is used around the world as a traditional medicine for coughs, and is an alternative safe and effective as cough medicine.

There are several reasons honey can cure cough: the quality of the sweet syrup of honey throat, while the elements of antioxidants of honey is also a cough suppressant factor. In addition, honey has antimicrobial effects.

But it should be noted also, that honey is not recommended for infants under one year, because of rare but serious risks that can cause a type of botulism food poisoning. But for children older, are generally quite safe to use honey. Regarding its use in accordance with the dose of cough medicine usual recommendations:

* 2-5 years: Â ½ teaspoon,
* 6-11 years: 1 teaspoon,
* 12 years and over: 2 teaspoons.

If it can provide benefits, why not for the tried. Regarding efficacy and effective or not, wallahualam.


CILACAP, KOMPAS - Hundreds of people Cilacap District residents who are victims of the earthquake magnitude 7.3 shock on the Richter scale centered in the waters of Tasikmalaya on 2 September, was still sleeping in tents and homes closest relatives. They do not get help with home repairs until now, although rainfall around Cilacap already started to increase.

Based datan Regional Disaster Management Agency Cilacap, there are 258 homes listed collapsed, 962 houses damaged, 2345 houses damaged and light. Damage to infrastructure, including a village hall collapsed, four heavily damaged village hall, village hall six slightly damaged, 11 schools were severely damaged, 10 lightly damaged schools, a place of worship fell, six places of worship damaged, and four buildings collapsed market. Total losses reached USD 21.809 billion.

At least 10 affected families in Garu Sand Village, Village Bojongsari, Kedungreja District, for example, until Saturday (3 / 10), still survive in tents and semi-permanent home they built from the rubble of their house collapsed.

Nidah (70) one of them confessed, is hoping to help repair the house so she immediately poured with a child and grandchildren can live a comfortable life again. Until now, Nidah with children and grandchildren to sleep in tents and semi-permanent houses are built from the rubble of a collapsed house due to earthquake.

He admitted, more often sleeping in semi-permanent houses built his son, than in the tent. If sleeping in a tent, he said, was very hot, even though it's starting to rain.

"But if you sleep in the house was not comfortable, because the zinc is not tightly attached. If it rains, always get tampias rain," he said.

Neighbors, Ngadinem (45) also hopes to help repair the house can be channeled. Thus, she and her husband may soon build a house, anticipating the arrival of the rainy season.

To set up your own home, Ngadinem admitted, could not because until now he has not worked again as a laborer. That's because there is no rice in the village who began planting rice. While the needs of daily life with five children, he relies on help from the Government of Cilacap District.

"Food assistance is still okay," he said.

But not so with the earthquake victims in the village of Cinyawang, Patimuan District. Since two weeks ago, food aid to more than 100 people earthquake victims in the village had stopped. As stated Nabsiah (40), since there was no help, now he can only hope for food assistance from relatives and neighbors whose homes are not collapsing.

Mayor Cinyawang, Tusiman said, residents whose homes collapsed and damaged by the earthquake have long asked for help to repair their homes can return to live in comfort. "If you asked them to establish themselves, it was unlikely. Because they were just farm laborers are very small wages," he said.

(Source :


Padang - The number of victims of the earthquake in West Sumatra continue to grow. Until Sunday at 09.00 (4 / 10) morning the death toll recorded 603 people and 343 people missing. This data is recorded in West Sumatra Province Satkorlak on Jl Sudirman, Kota Padang.
TEMPO Interaktif, Victims are most commonly found in Padang Pariaman. The death toll reached 276 people. Plus the heavy injured 230 people and injured 410 people lightly. While 285 people are still listed as missing. Allegedly they are citizens of three landslide buried a village.

Based on observations Tempo, Padang Pariaman suffered the worst damage. Along the road through an alternative access from the direction of Pariaman Bukittinggi, 80 percent of houses destroyed. This damage makes people have to stay outside the house.

Meanwhile, the death toll in the city of Padang currently numbering 231 people, injured 86 people, 1590 slight injuries, while four people listed as missing.

Region with the next largest was the victim Agam District. In this district 54 people still missing. A total of 30 people were killed, 82 injured and 40 slightly injured.



Local Area Network LAN is usually abbreviated to a network computer network only covers a small area, such as campus computer networks, buildings, offices, in homes, schools or smaller. Currently, most LANs based on IEEE 802.3 Ethernet technologies using a switch device, which has a data transfer speed 10, 100, or 1000 Mbit / s. In addition to Ethernet technology, current technology, 802.11b (or commonly called Wi-Fi) is also often used to form the LAN. Places that provide LAN connectivity with Wi-Fi technology called hotspot.

On a LAN, each node or computer have their own computing power, different from the concept of a terminal dump. Each computer can also access resources on the LAN in accordance with the access rights that have been arranged. These resources can be data or devices such as printers. On the LAN, a user can also communicate with other users by using the appropriate application.

Unlike the Broad Area Network or Wide Area Network (WAN), the LAN has the following characteristics:

1. Having rapidly higher data
2. Geographically covering narrower
3. Does not require leased telecommunication lines from telecom operators

Usually one of the computers in the computer network that would use a server that manages all the systems within the network.
The characteristics of computer networks:
1. sharing hardware (hardware).
2. sharing software (software).
3. sharing of communication channels (internet).
4. sharing of data with ease.
5. facilitate communication between network users.


Tree fruit from Central America, grows wild in the forests, many are also grown in gardens and on lawns tananhnya layer loose and fertile, and not inundated by water. Although be fruitful in the lowlands, but the results will be satisfactory if planted at an altitude of 200-1000 m above sea level (asl), in the tropics of the many subtropik rainfall.
Small tree, 3-10 m high, steep rooted, woody stems, round, dirty-brown color, much branched, smooth-haired twigs. Single leaf, stemmed 1,5-5 cm long, dirty, lying huddled at the end of twigs, shape round, ellipse until the eggs lengthwise, like a thick skin, a pointed tip and base, flat edge sometimes slightly rolled up, boned pinnate, 10-20 cm long, 3-10 cm wide, young leaves reddish color and tight-haired, dark green leaves and bare.
The interest compound interest, androgynous, arranged in panicles that came out near the end of twigs, greenish yellow color. The fruit is fruit buni, form a ball or oval, 5-20 cm long, green or yellowish green, mottled purple or violet seeds Sarna was one, flesh soft when ripe, green, yellow. Seed round like a ball, the diameter of 2,5-5 cm, pieces of red and white beans. Ripe avocado fruit flesh is soft, fat, usually eaten as ice or created juice mix. oil is used among others for cosmetic purposes. Propagation by seed, grafting and way way Enten.

Latin Name: Persea Gaertn gratissima.
Synonym: Persea americana, Mill.

Family: Lauraceae

Local Name:
Apuket, alpuket, cashew wolanda (Sunda), Avocado, avokat,; plokat (Java). Avocado, avocado, avokat, advocate (Sumatra);

Curable Disease:
Sprue, hydrate skin scabby, bladder stones, headache; high blood (hypertension), nerve pain (neuralgia), stomach pain,; Channel swollen breath (bronchial swellings), toothache, Diabetes (diabetes mellitus), menstrual irregularities. ;

CHEMICAL PROPERTIES AND EFFECTS pharmacological: Leaves: bitter taste, chocolate. Peluruh urine. Beans: Anti-inflammation, alleviate pain.
KANDUNGAN CHEMISTRY: Fruits and leaves contain saponin, alkaloida and flavonoida, Fruit also contains tannins and leaves contain polyphenols, quersetin, sugar alkohot persiit.

Utilization for the drug:

- Urine stone.
- High blood, headaches.
- Nerve pain.
- Stomach pain.
- Channels of breath swelling (bronchial swellings).
- Menstruation is not regular.

- Toothache.
- Diabetes.

1. Sprue:

* The contents of the ripe avocados 2 tablespoons given pure honey, stir thoroughly and eaten. Do it every day until cured.

2. Bladder stones:

* Ingredients: 4 pieces of avocado leaves, 3 pieces puzzle rhizome, petiole 5 cottonwoods, half nut seeds, 1 nutmeg, 3 finger palm sugar.
* Method: wash and boil ingredients with 3 clean water glass until remaining 2 1 / 4 cup. After chilling filtered and drunk. Day 3 x 3 / 4 cup.

3. High blood pressure:

* Materials: 3 pieces of avocado leaves
* How to manufacture: washed and brewed with 1 cup hot water. After a cold drink at once.

4. Dry facial skin:

* Materials: Fruit ripe
* How to use: take it and then pulverized until like mush. Used to mask, in a way that dry polishing face. Front washed with water after the avocado mask layer is dry.

5. Cavities pain:

* Hole in the tooth powder is inserted avocado seed.

6. Swelling due to inflammation:

* The powder of seeds to taste plus a little water until it becomes dough like mush, balurkan body gets sick.

7. Diabetes:

* Beans roasted on the fire and then diced with the machete, then simmering with clean water until the water turns brown.
* Strain and drink when cool.

8. Good avocado leaf tea to relieve headaches, stomach pain, swelling in the airways, nerve pain (neuralgia) and came irregular menstruation.

Research data:
Leaves have antibacterial activity and inhibits the growth of Staphylococcus aureus strains A and B. Staphylococcus albus, Pseudomonas sp., Proteus sp., Escherichea coli and Bacillus subtilis (EO ognulans and E. Ramstad 1975)

(Source :


Behind it was a spicy, ginger contains substances that are useful for the human body. No wonder there has long been known wedang (drink) ginger, ginger candy, or bandrek (ginger-containing beverages). Ginger is also a lot used as a seasoning for various foods or cookies. Benefits of ginger, based on a number of studies, among others:

Stimulates the release of adrenal hormones, widen blood vessels, so blood flows more quickly and smoothly. Body also becomes more warm, the heart pumps blood work lighter. As a result, the pressure blood into fall.

Ginger contains two important digestive enzymes. First, protease which break protein function. Second, functional lipase breaks fat. Both of these enzymes help the body digest and absorb food.

Ginger contains at least 19 bio-active components are useful for body. The main component is the nature gingerol anticoagulants, which prevent blood clotting. So preventing clogging of blood vessels, the main cause of strokes and heart attacks. Estimated Gingerol also help lower cholesterol.

Blocking serotonin, a chemical compound that is the messenger. These compounds cause the stomach to contract, arising sehigga nausea. For example in people who experience motion sickness. So, to prevent motion sickness, it's good to drink ginger wedang before traveling. Way: at-at all fresh ginger 1 segment fingers, put in a glass of hot water. Give the honey to taste, then drink. Could also use one-third teaspoon of ginger powder, or if resistant, eat two slices of raw ginger.

Make the stomach to be comfortable, and help out the wind. Can relieve menstrual cramps or cramps from too much eating fatty foods.

Helps the body fight colds and flu. Ginger contains antioxidants that help neutralize the damaging effects caused by free radicals in in the body.

Ginger is a pain reliever and can naturally relieve pain rheumatism, headaches, and migraine. Way, drinking ginger wedang 3 times day. Can also drank wedang round, suck on ginger candy, or add ginger when you make soup, stew, or rendang.

(Source: "Tabloid MOTHER & CHILD" on 02/09/99 09:05:17)


Turmeric or turmeric (Curcuma longa Linn. Syn. Curcuma domestica Val.) Including one of spices and medicinal plants native from Southeast Asia region. These plants then have spread to areas of Indo-Malaysia, Indonesia, Australia and even Africa. Almost everyone Indonesia and India as well as Asian nations generally have to consume this herb plants, either as a supplementary cooking, medicinal or to maintain health and beauty. Turmeric is a spice commonly used in cooking in Asian countries. Turmeric is often used in cooking curry kind, and is also used to give a yellow color to dishes. Pharmaceutical products made from raw turmeric, can compete with a variety of drug patents, for example, for inflammation of the joints (rheumatoid arthritis) or osteo-arthritis is made of active sodium deklofenak, piroksikam, and phenyl butason with a high price or food supplements (vitamin-plus) in capsule. Product so the material in the form of extract of turmeric dietary supplements in capsule form (Vitamin-plus) market and the industry has developed. Food supplements made from raw turmeric extract with additives Vitamin B1, B2, B6, B12, Vitamin E, Lecithin, Amprotab, Mg-stearic, Nepagin and Kolidon 90. Usage: root tubers are older than one year used as Ubat (root tubers are cooled, cleaned, particularly affecting the abdomen in the stomach, stimulating, releasing excess gas in the intestines, stop bleeding and prevent blood clotting) other than that is also used as an ingredient in cooking. Turmeric is also used as an anti-itch and anti-spasm and reduce the swelling of the mouth mucous membrane. Turmeric juice consumed in the form of so-called filtrate, is taken as an extract or used as a salve for mengubati bengkak.Kunyit also efficacious to cure a stuffy nose, how to burn the turmeric and inhale

Turmeric belong to the group-jahean ginger, Zingiberaceae.

(Taken from

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Remove virus with the "attrib-h-r-s

Maybe you never have a problem with a virus from flash (FD), which make the data you lost. The problem may be like this, so enter the FD, you are Klick folder, hold computer data and traffic jams you all missing (hidden). Do not be confused, it is all a result of the virus called classic but bothersomeautorun.inf or his brother or his brother boot.exe again msvdm.dll.

Actual data that you do lose, only to-hidden by the virus. Well, so do not
first panic, there is a solution ...Here I will share a little how to anticipate the virus before, so it will not enter and damage the PC or data on the FD you. Simple fact is, you simply program a command prompt (cmd) and use the attrib (attributes) that I have you on the OS. OK go, about how well

1. Anticipating the first, when you enter the FD menu will appear bid "would be opened up what you FD, or the bid was not in the select, cancel it! Because, as you choose / open the folder from the menu, it automatically is in the FD Klick or open. Instead of the virus will cause it to work.

2. Once you cancel, simply open the command prompt program. How easy it is, select Start -> select run -> type cmd -> OK. After that you will go to black screen with a blinking cursor.

3. Continue, go to the FD, or you go into the room you FD. Before you first must know you are on the FD alphabetical order of what the PC hardware? Whether E, F, H, I, A ff. You can be tough with the alphabet to explore My Computer "but remember, not to the FD-Klick you see only its alphabet. Assume you FD alphabetical order I. Way into the FD you type i: -> or I enter: -> enter. Large alphabet is not so small problem.

4. After that, it will appear i: \> sign that you have a space to open a FD without you or to Klick it. Attrib command from here we can play. Next, type attrib -> enter to display the files that are free outside of the folder. So eg you save the files that you can input to the folder, then the function will appear.

5. After that, the series will appear the names of the files with extension. Well, from here the existence of the virus that can be tracked. We can track whether a file is virus or not with the characteristics of:

a. SHR have any posts in front of the filename. Ex SHR autorun.inf. This file does not ever feel we save, then this could be a virus

b. Extensi form. Exe. MS Word file Suppose we initially doc dot (. Doc) so dot exe (. Exe). So it can be ascertained as the virus infected files or viruses.

c. And files with the name of the other foreign or strange, I feel that we never keep.

6. After that, the next step is a system of SHR. Because, if not eliminated SHR system first, then the file can be deleted. How type attrib-h -r-s (attrib-h-r-s) -> enter. The order may be reversed, I should h-ahead, it's up to. Function of the system will remove the hidden, read-only and super hidden files before you free

7. Then type attrib again, to check whether the system has now been lost SHR or not! If the SHR is lost, it means that the virus is ready we destroyed, but not if means can be a PC or laptop you have been infected by the virus.

8. But, if I can or SHR lost, then delete the steps can be executed. Easy way: type del eg (del msvdm.dll). Or more easily type in: del type the first alphabet "m" from the name of the file you , automatically displays the name of the file you are full. After that enter. For example del autorun.inf -> enter.

Do the same on other files that you are a virus.


Then from there, can be 75% FD you ever safe from the virus. Over how they can use for the males pake antivirus. Or for those not satisfied with the use antivirus.

Congratulations ....... Hopefully Successful Testing ...

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Google Translate

Google Translate (Google Translation) is a service provided by Google Inc.. to translate the text or web page in one language to another language. For some languages, users are asked to provide an alternative translation, such as for the technical term, which will be included in the update process for the next translation. Unlike other translation services such as Babel Fish and SYSTRAN using AOL, Google uses its own translation software.

Google Translate, like other automatic translation tool, has several limitations. Although readers can help to understand the general content of foreign language text, but does not provide accurate translation. Google translate approach, called statistical-based translation. Translation of research results is so Franz-Josef och who have won the contest for the DARPA machine translation speed in 2003. Och now become department heads Google's translation engine.

According och, to develop a machine translation system based on statistics for the two languages required a collection of parallel texts in two languages, which comprises more than one million words of text and two other collections for each language consists of more than one billion words. Model statistics from this data is then used to perform translation between these languages.

To obtain the linguistic data in very large amount of this, Google is using the documents of the United Nations. The Arabic and Chinese as official UN language may be one of the reasons why Google Translate initially focused on making the translation between languages with English-language, and not, for example, Japanese or German, which is not an official language at the United Nations. Google representatives are very active in the local conference in Japan ask researchers to provide them with parallel text collections.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Opening Yahoo Messenger 2 in 1 machine

  1. Open regedit editor with the menu click: Start> Run ago typing regedit and then click ok.
  2. Search key [HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Yahoo \ Pager \ Test]
  3. Then click the right mouse key on the Test select New> DWORD Value
  4. Then delete the name New Value # 1 and type (replace with) words plural
  5. Then double click the dialog appears akan Edit DWORD Value and fill in the value of its data value 00000020 and OK and close the editor regedit
  6. restart your computer and lye can mengaktikan ym 2 at a time ... ym after the first account is active, double click the icon again ym you and you can enter your account ym do both ...

You can, if you think you can, as long as reasonable to say can. Limitation of whether something makes sense or not, we'll see other people, if someone else has done or has reached his dream, the dream is reasonable.
Dreams not only help us to face the possibility of failure ..... but the dream will also give us hope ....
Among the thousands of opportunities and opportunities, there is success, but surrounded by failure. Take a chance and opportunity, let you fail in the process of finding success.

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