Sunday, October 4, 2009


Behind it was a spicy, ginger contains substances that are useful for the human body. No wonder there has long been known wedang (drink) ginger, ginger candy, or bandrek (ginger-containing beverages). Ginger is also a lot used as a seasoning for various foods or cookies. Benefits of ginger, based on a number of studies, among others:

Stimulates the release of adrenal hormones, widen blood vessels, so blood flows more quickly and smoothly. Body also becomes more warm, the heart pumps blood work lighter. As a result, the pressure blood into fall.

Ginger contains two important digestive enzymes. First, protease which break protein function. Second, functional lipase breaks fat. Both of these enzymes help the body digest and absorb food.

Ginger contains at least 19 bio-active components are useful for body. The main component is the nature gingerol anticoagulants, which prevent blood clotting. So preventing clogging of blood vessels, the main cause of strokes and heart attacks. Estimated Gingerol also help lower cholesterol.

Blocking serotonin, a chemical compound that is the messenger. These compounds cause the stomach to contract, arising sehigga nausea. For example in people who experience motion sickness. So, to prevent motion sickness, it's good to drink ginger wedang before traveling. Way: at-at all fresh ginger 1 segment fingers, put in a glass of hot water. Give the honey to taste, then drink. Could also use one-third teaspoon of ginger powder, or if resistant, eat two slices of raw ginger.

Make the stomach to be comfortable, and help out the wind. Can relieve menstrual cramps or cramps from too much eating fatty foods.

Helps the body fight colds and flu. Ginger contains antioxidants that help neutralize the damaging effects caused by free radicals in in the body.

Ginger is a pain reliever and can naturally relieve pain rheumatism, headaches, and migraine. Way, drinking ginger wedang 3 times day. Can also drank wedang round, suck on ginger candy, or add ginger when you make soup, stew, or rendang.

(Source: "Tabloid MOTHER & CHILD" on 02/09/99 09:05:17)


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